10 Ways to Be More Positive Online

Being positive isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. These tips should help get you started on spreading some good vibes online!

10 Ways to Be More Positive Online
Photo by Josh Berendes / Unsplash

One of the best things about the internet is that it provides a space for people from all walks of life to connect. No matter your interests, you can find others who share them online.

However, with all the good that the internet can bring, there is also a lot of negativity. People can be quick to judge or say mean things when they're hiding behind a screen. That's why it's important to be extra careful about posting positive vibes online.

Here are 10 ways to do just that:

  1. Smile in your profile picture. It might seem small, but your profile picture is often the first thing people will see when they come across your page. If you're smiling, it'll set a positive tone right off the bat.
  2. Post content that makes you happy. Whether it's photos, articles, or just updates about your day-to-day life, make sure the content you're sharing is something that puts a smile on your face.
  3. Be encouraging in the comments section. When commenting on someone else's post, take the opportunity to say something positive instead of critiquing or disagreeing. We could all use a little more positivity in our lives!
  4. Respond to messages promptly. When somebody takes the time to reach out to you through social media or email, try to respond as quickly as possible. A prompt response will show that you're enthusiastic and interested in talking to them.
  5. Don't air your dirty laundry online. We've all been tempted to vent our problems on social media, but resist the urge! Not only is it tacky, but it also puts negative energy into the world that could attract more negativity into your life.
  6. Be mindful of what you share about other people. If you wouldn't want somebody sharing certain things about you online, don't do it to others! Gossip and rumor-mongering are never good vibes.
  7. Put out calls for help instead of criticism. If you see something happening that needs attention (like an environmental issue or animal rights abuse), call for help instead of just complaining about it online. You never know who might see your post and be inspired to take action!
  8. Thank people who leave nice comments on your posts. A quick "thank you" shows that you appreciate somebody taking the time to engage with your content positively. And don't just acknowledge them, but mean it! People can tell when you're being sincere.
  9. Pay compliments freely. A genuine compliment can make somebody's day. Your saying something nice will help them feel good and encourage them to pay it forward by being more positive.
  10. Practice gratitude. One guaranteed way to attract more positivity into your life is by practicing gratitude. Everything from big accomplishments to small everyday blessings. Whenever you start feeling pulled down by negativity, take a step back and remember all the good things in your life.

Being positive isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. These tips should help get you started on spreading some good vibes online!

What is the key to having a positive attitude? Share your thoughts in the comments!