How to Build a Purpose Statement That Works for You

Building your purpose statement is an ongoing process. You might find that your purpose changes as you move through different stages of life. That's normal! The most important thing is that you keep revisiting your purpose statement and making sure it still rings true.

How to Build a Purpose Statement That Works for You
Photo by Jordan Madrid / Unsplash

You've read the blogs, seen the memes, and watched the Ted Talks. You know that having a purpose statement is important. But you might not know how to build a purpose statement that works for you. That's where I come in. I will show you how to build a purpose statement that captures your unique passions and drives your life forward. Keep reading!

Why Have a Purpose Statement?

A purpose statement helps to keep you focused on what's important to you. It's a way to measure whether or not the choices you're making in life are in line with your values and goals. A purpose statement can also help inspire you when you feel stuck in a rut. Simply reading your purpose statement can motivate you to get back on track.

How to Build Your Purpose Statement

Building your purpose statement is an ongoing process. You might find that your purpose changes as you move through different stages of life. That's normal! The most important thing is that you keep revisiting your purpose statement and making sure it still rings true.

Here are some tips for building your purpose statement:

  1. Start with a blank piece of paper (or computer screen). Write down everything that comes to mind when you think about what makes you happy, fulfilled, and motivated. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation—get everything out of your head and onto the page.
  2. Once you have a list of things that make you happy, start grouping them into themes. For example, if one of the things on your list is "Making other people laugh," you might group that under the heading "Bringing Joy to Others."
  3. Once you have your themes, start distilling them into one or two sentences. Avoid vague phrases like "making a difference" or "changing the world." Those are great goals, but they're too broad to be helpful when making day-to-day choices. Remember, this is YOUR purpose statement, so make it specific to YOU.
  4. Lastly, read over your purpose statement and make sure it feels right. If it doesn't, keep working at it until it does! This is an important exercise, so don't be afraid to take your time.

Now that you know how to build a purpose statement, it's time to create one of your own! Use the tips I've shared and don't be afraid to get creative. Your purpose statement should inspire and motivate YOU—so make sure it feels true to who YOU are at your core.