The truth about laundry: Debunking the myths

There are a lot of myths out there about laundry. People seem to think that if they don't follow the "rules," their clothes will come out ruined and they'll have to spend hours scrubbing stains. Well, I'm here to debunk those myths!

The truth about laundry: Debunking the myths
With these tips, you'll be able to get your clothes clean in no time! Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

There are a lot of myths out there about laundry. People seem to think that if they don't follow the "rules," their clothes will come out ruined and they'll have to spend hours scrubbing stains. Well, I'm here to debunk those myths! In this post, I'll talk about the truth behind some laundry myths and give you tips on how to get your clothes clean without all the fuss.

Laundry Myth #1

One of the most common laundry myths is that you need to sort your laundry by color. This simply isn't true! You can save yourself a lot of time by throwing all of your clothes together. (Just don't tell Mom!) The only time you need to sort is if you're washing something delicate or if you need to fight stains with a special treatment.

Laundry Myth #2

Another laundry myth is that you need to use hot water to get your clothes clean. This isn't the case either! In fact, using hot water can actually damage your clothes and make them shrink. Stick to cold or warm water for most of your laundry and you'll be just fine.

Laundry Fragrance Recommendation

Sun-washed linen dances in the breeze amid a garden of magnolia and honeysuckle.

The Magnolia Linen Washer Whiffs Tub is pure indulgence — scent granules give your laundry a fragrance boost with just one scoop! Add to your washer drum. For best results, use it along with our Laundry Liquid. 48 oz.

So, there you have it! The truth about laundry myths. Now that you know the truth, you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle when doing your laundry. Just remember to use cold or warm water and to only sort your laundry if necessary. With these tips, you'll be able to get your clothes clean in no time!

Happy laundry day!